"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
Romans 12:2

About Us
Meets Sunday at 9 & 11 am / Wednesday at 7 pm
The Youth Ministry of Calvary Chapel San Bernardino, is known as the Red Barn Youth (RBY) and is specifically designed for Junior High and High school students. RBY is committed to teaching Jesus' truth. The goal of the Red Barn Youth Ministry is to see the gospel multiplied in the lives of youth through winning them to Christ, building them up in Christ, and equipping them to be ready every day to live for Christ.
This takes place as young people discover what Christ has done for them and in turn, out of love and gratitude, choose to live for Him. In order for winning, building, and equipping to happen, a strategy to succeed must be in place. We believe that this strategy can be summed up in 3 words: WORD, WORSHIP & WITNESS.