Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Calvary Chapel San Bernardino has five missionaries we support in many ways.
Each of the links on this page will provide details of who they are and where the Lord has led them to.
Please pray for them as you read about how God is using them and changing lives!
Each of the links on this page will provide details of who they are and where the Lord has led them to.
Please pray for them as you read about how God is using them and changing lives!
Jeanie Sue Phegley
Jeanie Sue Phegley is serving the Lord at Casa del Pastor in San Vicente, Mexico to house and support abandoned women & children. Several times a year, teams from Calvary Chapel San Bernardino go to assist Jeanie Sue and the ministry at Casa del Pastor.

Jeff & Carlie Barner
Jeff & Carlie Barner are spreading the Gospel message to the students at Ohio University by leading Bible Studies and outreaches on campus. Learn more about their impact and the important ministry they are doing through Campus Crusade Ministries (CRU)!
Kevin & Beth Lynne
Kevin and Beth Lynne share a passion to share God’s love and His redemptive plan with those who live in the most remote areas of Papua, Indonesia. Kevin and Beth’s service with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has enabled them to support various missionaries and churches working in Indonesia since 2002.

Aaron & Kristi Wheaton
Aaron and Kristi Wheaton have planted & built multiple churches while sharing the Gospel message to the people in the villages of Burkina Faso. They currently support the ongoing ministry from their home in Montana.

Michael & Linda Milchling
Michael and Linda Milchling were part of Calvary Chapel San Bernardino until 1992 when God moved them to Florida. Their passion and heart is to see the Jesus Film Project available in every language.

Ron & Judy Brav
Ron Brav is the Pastor of Calvary Chapel Hilo, Hawaii. His desire is to equip and encourage the saints on how to apply God's Word into their lives causing its fruit to bring glory to God.